Webinar & Course Sponsorship
Sponsor a CelebrateMercy Program


CelebrateMercy hosts programs and webinars regularly. Hundreds of families tune into the live programs as well as their recordings. Families can sponsor programs by donating to CelebrateMercy; this helps us cover the costs of the program. During the webinar, we will ask thousands of viewers to make du'a for the sponsor(s) by name, unless you would like the du'a request to be anonymous.

Questions? Email us: [email protected].

Enter your information and the amount you would like to give.

May Allah make it a means of continuous blessings for your and for your family!



Who are you dedicating this to?
Who is receiving the dedication notice?
What is their email address?
Optional. Write a personal note to the recipient.
This field is required.
Please share the dua you would like shown on the webinar (50 words or less). It be can be for your family, for a loved one who has passed away, or even anonymous.
This field is required.
Which program or webinar would you like to sponsor?




Cover the Fees